Our clothes and accessories are hand sewn from natural silk. Silk is a luxurious material, but it is also extremely durable. So with proper care – it will serve us for years.
Silk is suitable for both winter and summer. In winter it warms thanks to its structure, in summer it cools pleasantly. When wearing, the most important thing is to avoid cosmetics – perfumes, deodorants, oils. Especially the latter are hard to remove from silk clothes.
We store things in the closet so that they are not too exposed to the sun’s rays. Ideally, silk items should hang freely. This avoids creases, although silk, thanks to its structure, quite naturally straightens itself quite quickly.
Dry cleaning will always work and is the safest.
We also recommend hand washing, but under several conditions:
1) the water must be at room temperature, even better if it is cooler;
2) do not use bleaching detergents and strong laundry detergents, preferably use natural soap or shampoo;
3) Do not rub the material or wring it; gently squeeze the excess water.
Machine washing is discouraged.
We do not use spinning or drying machines, and do not dry in the sun. Ideally, spread the silk on a towel and let it dry naturally. You can also hang it on a hanger, stretching it slightly so that there are fewer creases.
We can start ironing if the clothes are slightly damp, but it is not necessary. Iron on the left side of the fabric, at the lowest temperature of about 100 degrees, for ease of use is 1 dot on the iron.
In order for gold to remain shiny for a long time, it must be properly cared for. Our jewelry is made by hand by jewelry artists, from 585 gold and precious stones, so it will last for years, but of course with proper care.
First of all, it is important to remember not to wear too much jewelry at once – which can cause one to bounce off the other, scratches and even mechanical damage to the stones and their falling out. Always remove jewelry when doing household chores: avoid contact with detergents, especially those containing chlorine, and other cleaning products. Any activity, such as the gym or swimming pool – exposes gold to harmful external factors. And, of course, do not go to bed wearing jewelry. All this negligence can cause visual changes, breakage or deformation of the jewelry.
Any chemical can adversely affect our jewelry – even perfumes or creams. It is best to use creams after removing jewelry, and perfume yourself – before applying it. Jewelry under the influence of cosmetics can be exposed to darkening, but also to mechanical staining: residual cream can get under the gemstones.
Store unworn jewelry separately (ideally in small bags) to avoid bumping and rubbing on each other. This will protect it from the formation of oxides on it.
Care and cleaning:
Above all, we recommend professional cleaning of jewelry with concentrated air: once a year at a jeweler. With this method we get rid of dirt from the most inaccessible nooks and crannies of jewelry.
As for homemade methods, the most popular way is to clean jewelry with baking soda, but do not use a toothbrush and pressure, as we can cause scratches on the surface. Our recommended method is to use a professional gold cleaning liquid or wipes, available at any jewelry store.
Gemstones also need to be taken care of – they do not like detergents and, of course, mechanical dabbing. Stones have different brittleness, so also different impact strength – citrines, topazes and amethysts are more delicate than rubies or sapphires. But they should be cared for with equal attentiveness, as replacing stones is labor-intensive and expensive. Sometimes, in order to replace one stone, you have to dismantle all of them, which almost equates to creating jewelry from scratch.