I am a traveler.
To travel is to be inspired, to seek otherness, but also to seek oneself. I love to experience new flavors, smells, culture and music of the places I reach. From many trips I bring back unusual and local products, devotional items, jewelry. Every corner of the world has its own unique code, and I’m happy when I can learn it. The energy of Mexico, the magic of Hawaii, a return to the past in Cuba, or the demented colors of Zanzibar. To date, I have visited 45 countries on 5 continents and am still on the road. I slept in the pouring rain, in a tent in the middle of the jungle on the island of Maui in Hawaii, lived in a car touring Iceland, met with shamans in Mexico and Cuba, witnessed the first snow in 60 years in Jerusalem, met a caracal at the Cape of Good Hope, and searched for critters in the mountains of the Sinai Peninsula. All trips are a great adventure for me, especially when I have the opportunity to live with locals.
The idea for No_mad came from traveling. It is for women who are bold, exploratory, colorful, but also environmentally and ethically conscious. I know quite a few such women, some of them are my close colleagues and even friends. The whole adventure began with silk, from which I created clothes. I love it for its naturalness, longevity, but also luxury. No_mad is also a support for artists. I search all over the world for unique silks, colorful and full of energy from local designers. I actively support fair trade by selling beautiful jewelry created by the Huichol tribe, who live in the Sierra Madre mountains in Mexico.
I have been exploring the topic of spirituality for many years, growing and searching for answers. For my “round” birthday I designed for myself an amulet made of gold, with gemstones in the colors of the chakras (amethyst, sapphire, topaz, emerald, citrine, spessartine, ruby). I decided to share this good energy with others and that’s how the full magical kOMet collection was created.
The comet is a symbol of change, a cosmic friend of the stars, but for me privately it is also a symbol of my birthday, celebrated on the Feast of Epiphany.